The Exele project is a unique for Ukrainian contemporary art phenomenon that combines both analog and digital technology.
The Studio Theater accepts students starting from 6 years.
Leaders of the Lightpainting Theater Nataliia Kriukovska and Oleksandr Huk.were also brought up by Yury Pravdyuk.
Since 1980, Nataliia Kriukovska has been working in Concert Hall of Lightpainting along with Yuri Pravdyuk implementing his lightpainting composition.
Yuri Pravdyuk’s equipment design is no longer used nowadays. Oleksandr Huk designed a new projection installation.
An improved device preserves the main principles of lightpainting compositions founded by Pravdyuk: the possibility of "manual" control of luminous flux, principles of preservation and ways to create "form-movement", the manually created projected images.
The theater is constantly looking for new forms of expressiveness and new artistic collaborations.
The project Exile’s musical emotion and meaning is interpreted in a form of light-projection pictures.
Nataliia Kriukovska – author of lightpainting, Oleksii Podat – musician, engineer and project director – Oleksandr Huk.
Posted by LightpaintingUA on 2017-05-21 08:13:48
Tagged: , 2017 , lightpainting